1.Insurance: Facilitate the insurance contracts for the employees for the whole employees of ministry of Interior, ministry of health and ministry for social affairs by Al-Hamraa insurance company in 2021.
2.Insurance: Secure the Insurance contract for the life insurance for the whole beneficiaries of the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs in 2020 (still valid). The total number of the beneficiaries were more than 4 million people and contract value was 33 billion IQD per year.
3.Insurance: Secure the contract for life and general multi-purpose insurance for all the employees of the ministry of interior, the number of beneficiaries is more than 600,000 employees starting from 2018 and still valid. The value of the contract is 18 billion IQD per year (13.7 million USD per year). The contract was won for Hamraa insurance company.
4.Insurance: Secure the contract for life insurance for the employees of the ministry of health and their families, the beneficiaries are around one million people starting in 2021 and still valid. The contract value is around 22 billion IQD (16.8 million USD per year). The contract was won for Hamraa insurance company.
5.Insurance: Secure the contract of life and general multi-purpose insurance for the whole employees of the ministry of Agriculture, the number of total beneficiaries is more than 30,000 people starting in 2021. The contract value was around 80 million IQD per year (60,000 USD per year). The contract was won for Hamraa insurance company.
6.Healthcare sector: Facilitate the contracts for the MOI and MOH for suppling medical supplies and equipment, the Project value was around 10 million USD 2022.
7.Healthcare Sector: Secure the contract for supplying the MOI with a prosthetics products for the injured police forces in 2023
8.Healthcare Sector: Secure several contracts for the construction for the ACA Australian company and aid them to establish three of the biggest hospitals in Iraq (under construction) in 2022.
9.Software solution and ERP systems: Secure the contract between PIXEL and the ministry of Social affairs the ERP and e-government fo the whole establishments for the ministry in 2023.
10.Software solution and ERP systems: Secure the contract for the e-government for the Ministry of Health for Pixel Software solution, the contract value is 5 million USD in 2022.
11.Construction: Secure the construction contract from the MOH for the three hospitals to ACA Australian company and re-initiate the work in 2021.
12.Banking: Secure the contract for Althiqa bank for the salary's domiciliation of employees of:
Ministry of Interior.
Mistry of Labor and Social affairs.
Mistry of Defense.
Mistry of Agriculture.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Ministry of Health.
Directorate of Public Pension
The above contract was a great success for both Althiqa Bank and Al-Salama.